Research and collective creation theatre company

La SubTerránea

The theatre

La Subterránea is a valencian theatre company formed by Lucía Sáez and Ester Medrano.

They use to work through collective creation. To define their projects is to talk about research, new stage languages and social commitment. La Subterránea combines art creation with pedagogy and social work on stage.

La SubTerránea Awards

Coexistence Award, Fundación proteger Valencia, 2022.


Maldito otoño, Special Mention Festival Territorio Violeta, 2021-2022.


Federico, Candidate for Max Prize in Authorship Revelation, 2019.


Federico, Finalists Best Children Play Generalitat Valenciana’s Awards 2019.


Maldito otoño. Finalists Max Best Authorship Prize 2018.


Martingala, Nominated for Premios de la Crítica Valenciana 2018.


Maldito otoño. Finalists Max Discovery Prize 2018.


Maldito otoño. Prize Punto G Best Show, 2017.


Martingala, First Public Special Mention Award, Escenia 2016.


Martingala, First Prize of the Jury Escènia 2016.


Creations and shows

After releasing their first show, Pussy Koan (April, 2014), they became part of Espacio Inestable Residences. In February 2016 they created Martingala and they were selected in the Graneros de Creación del Espacio Inestable. As a result, they presented Maldito Otoño (December, 2016), finally released in March 2017.

In 2018, in Festival 10 Sentidos, they set up Ser Visibles, a research project with professional people and vulnerable groups too. In 2019, they premiere Federico, a play for all audiences about Federico García Lorca’s life. For the third time, they were selected by Graneros de Creación, but, in this case, for four years, and they premiered Como las cosas amables at the Teatro La Rambleta, a work of social integration and, finally, Fer-te el sopar i altres delícies , premiered at the Sala Russafa in 2021. In 2023, Persona, another work of a social nature premiered at the Rialto Teatro, thanks to La Caixa Foundation in the Art for Change program. In 2024, Érase premieres at the Rialto Teatro, a work developed in residence at Teatro Auditorio de Catarroja (TAC), thanks to Graners de Creació program.

Theatre Festivals

They have shown their theatre both in the Valencian Community and in the rest of Spain. They have participated in festivals such as Estrénate (CICUS, Sevilla), Reclam (Castellón), Escènia 2016 (Foios), Muestra de Teatro de Alcoy, Tercera Semana (Valencia and Castellón), Festival 10 Sentidos, Festival Imprescindibles Madrid, Festival Territorio Violeta and Muestra de Autores Contemporáneos (Alicante).


Martingala, Alupa Editorial 2016

Maldito Otoño Alupa Editorial 2018

En la Mañana todo se desvanece, Ínsula Dramataria IVC 2020

R-Minds IVC 2021